
Teeth Whitening Treatments

Could your smile be brighter? Are you tired of trying to find the right way to whiten your teeth? Talk with our doctors. At Avon Dental Care, we offer in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments in Avon, Ohio, and we invite you to call 440-937-2273 today to plan your visit with our dentists.

You may notice that your teeth become dull or stained over time. This may occur due to a number of factors, including:

  • The natural aging process
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Foods and drinks that stain
  • Smoking and other tobacco use
  • Illness or the use of certain medications
  • Fluorosis (excessive fluoride consumption)

While there are many over-the-counter whitening products available, nothing brightens your smile more quickly or effectively than professional teeth whitening. Teeth whitening treatments use a special whitening gel to break up and lighten stains, yellowing and discoloration on the tooth enamel to enhance the appearance of your teeth. These professional treatments are available both in-office and as a take-home kit.

In-office teeth whitening treatments can typically be completed in under an hour. We will apply the whitening gel to your teeth and use a special light to activate it so that you can leave our office with a more beautiful smile. Take-home whitening treatments involve the use of custom whitening trays. Our dentists will provide you with whitening gel to place in the trays and instructions on how to wear them. Over a period of several weeks, your teeth can become whiter.

Give us a call today if you have any questions about teeth whitening or to make an appointment with our dentists.

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