Choosing Treatment For Your TMJ Disorder
TMJ disorder, sometimes referred to as TMD, is a widespread oral health concern that occurs when the jaw and smile undergo excess stress, causing painful symptoms and even upsetting how we open and close our mouth. But we can help, often with a comfortable and convenient oral appliance! At your Avon, OH, dental practice, we provide care for issues like TMJ disorder.
Taking On Your Smile’s Imperfections With Veneers
When you have several concerns regarding the shape and color of your teeth, you may need more than just teeth whitening. Fortunately, our approach to cosmetic dentistry also includes custom restorations. At your Avon, OH, dental practice, our team can secure composite and porcelain veneers!
Brighten Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry
When you have stained teeth, you may feel a little self-conscious about your smile. We understand, which is why we offer cosmetic dentistry to address the imperfections in our smiles. With teeth whitening in particular, your Avon, OH, dental practice, can help your smile shine, often brightening teeth by several shades.
Start Summer With A Beautiful Smile
We want to help you start the summer with a smile that shines. With cosmetic dentistry, we can address teeth stains and even reshape your teeth! At your Avon, OH, dental practice, our team employs cosmetic treatments to address esthetic imperfections and offer a smile that makes you feel proud and confident.
Stopping Your TMJ-Related Headaches
When you have chronic headaches and migraines, the cause may be related to the balance of your smile. Poor bite balance is a common cause of TMJ disorder, which in turn leads to headaches and other painful symptoms. At your Avon, OH, dental practice, can help bring relief with noninvasive solutions, including custom oral appliances.
Our Veneers Offer Cosmetic Makeovers
For patients with multiple smile imperfections, our team can offer a makeover with one or more of our porcelain veneers. Not only that, but placement can help ease underlying issues like TMJ disorder. At your Avon, OH, dental practice, we’re going to talk about how we create and place our porcelain veneers.