
Root Canal Technology

Root canals have gotten a bad reputation over the years for being inconvenient and uncomfortable. But at Avon Dental Care, that is simply not the case. Our dentists and team utilize the latest root canal technology in Avon, Ohio, to not only rescue your smile but give you a great patient experience. That technology includes apex locators, rubber dams, and options for sedation dentistry and anesthesia that can help our doctors complete your root canal in one easy visit to our office. Call 440-937-2273 today and schedule your visit.

Endodontics is the area of dentistry focused on the study and treatment of the dental pulp. The pulp is the innermost layer of the tooth and includes the tooth’s living connective tissue and cells. It also houses the tooth nerves and blood vessels. If this area of the tooth becomes injured or diseased, it often results in serious tooth pain and sensitivity. When infection and damage in the dental pulp go untreated, they can cause the tooth to die, necessitating extraction. The goal of endodontic treatment is to restore the health of the tooth and prevent the need for tooth extraction.

The most common type of endodontic treatment is root canal therapy, which is often simply called a root canal. During root canal therapy, our dentists and team remove the injured and infected tissues from the tooth, thoroughly clean the tooth, and fill the tooth. The tooth is then capped with a restoration, such as a dental crown, to protect the tooth and restore its structure and appearance.

If root canal therapy is not the right treatment for you or infection recurs after the tooth has undergone a root canal, our dentists may recommend further endodontic treatment. Other endodontic treatment options include root canal retreatment, apicoectomy, pulpal debridement and pulpotomy.

We invite you to contact our office today to learn more about endodontics and the services we provide.

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